Use Neon as your dev environment for AWS RDS: accelerate your workflow while reducing costs

Serverless showcase:
build with Neon

Explore interactive demos from the community and the Neon team.


  • Chatbot: Search your own knowledge base by semantic similarity

  • Semantic search: Submit your idea and get a list of similar ideas that YCombinator has invested in before

  • Postgres AI Playground: an SQL playground for Postgres where you can use AI to generate queries using natural language

  • Branching

    • Neon Twitter

    • Preview Branches

    • Neon Discord bot

    • Full-stack preview environments using Neon and Qovery

  • Data Recovery with branching

    • Time travel bisect script demo

  • Read replicas example

    • Read replicas example

  • Languages and Frameworks

    • Neon Ecto Getting Started

    • Neon Edge Analytics Astro Sample

  • Serverless driver

    • Ping Thing

    • Neon serverless driver UNESCO World Heritage Sites App

  • OAuth

    • Neon branch visualizer

  • AI

    • Vercel Postgres pgvector starter

    • Vector similarity search using Neon Postgres

    • Google Colab: Chat with your database with Langchain

Get started
with Neon

The fully managed multi-cloud Postgres with a generous free tier. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.